Legal Director David Karopkin


David Karopkin, Esq. is a Brooklyn native and a dedicated community activist. Among other pursuits, David founded GooseWatch NYC in 2011 to advocate for humane wildlife management in New York City. After graduation from Brooklyn Law School in 2015, David served as a Councilmanic Aide for New York City Council Member Daniel Dromm, Legislative Director for New York State Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal, and currently works as Assistant Law Clerk to the Hon. Justice Katherine A. Levine in the New York State Supreme Court.

Communications Director Abraham Silberstein


Abe Silberstein was born and raised in the Madison neighborhood of Brooklyn. With a fading Kerry-Edwards sticker in his room as evidence, Abe has been a proud Democrat since fourth grade. Upon graduating from Hunter College in 2015 with a B.A. in Political Science (with honors), Abe started submitting op-eds to newspapers and websites on various foreign policy issues. His work has since been published in the New York TimesThe Forward, Ha'aretz, and The Jerusalem Post. After trying to pursue a life as a full-time writer in New York City, Abe began an internship at the World Jewish Congress and has remained in the political nonprofit world since. Abe is currently pursuing a Master's in Public Administration at New York University.

Women’s Caucus Chair Malynda Rascoe

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Malynda V. Rascoe is a well-respected Political Strategist and Influencer.  She serves on local and national Democratic campaigns with the primary goal of electing skilled, competent, and qualified candidates.  As an Activist, she uses her platform to provide social awareness, civic engagement, and solutions on issues that are most relevant to overlooked and misunderstood communities; particularly, People of Color, those affected by mass incarceration, homelessness, and the environment. Malynda’s life story is similar to that of many Women.  She was raised in foster care and the juvenile justice system; both, in addition to overcoming rape, domestic violence, low self-esteem, and homelessness.  While these adversities were tough, Malynda has never wavered or made excuses for herself. Instead, she uses her life experiences as motivation to achieve her personal goals; while empowering other Women who share similar stories to run for public office and win. Malynda is uncompromising and relentless as it pertains to uplifting and promoting Women and People of Color. She serves as the newly appointed Chair of the Brooklyn Young Democrats (BYD) Women’s Caucus, Vice Chair of the Justice Reform Committee, as well as an At-Large Member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Brooklyn Branch. Educationally, Malynda holds a Master’s degree in Public Affairs and Administration, along with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.  She hopes to begin law school this fall to focus on Public Interest.