The preamble to BYD’s Constitution:

Whereas, persons interested in becoming involved in the Democratic Party in the County of Kings in the State of New York, who wish to stimulate the interest of young people in government affairs, to promote the involvement of young people in the political process, to educate young voters and people who will become eligible to vote, to advocate those policies and practices consistent with the highest principles of the Democratic Party, to support those candidates for office who articulate such principles and perpetuate the ideals of justice and social welfare, such persons do hereby associate themselves together and form the Young Democrats of Kings County and establish the hereafter stated Constitution and its Bylaws.

Read BYD’s full Constitution and Bylaws here.

Any dues-paying BYD may propose amendments to the club’s Constitution and Bylaws. Substantive proposals must be received at least two (2) weeks prior to their consideration at a general body meeting, and friendly amendments to existing proposals may be offered at any time before the amendment is considered at the meeting.

Newly-proposed amendments to the Constitution, Bylaws, and amendments to proposed amendments should be submitted by email to