NY1: "Black, Indian Women Feel the Weight of Kamala Harris’ Historic Win"

(Image: AP Photo/Michael Perez)

“Harris’ path to the vice presidency is even more pronounced for Christina Das. As the president of the Brooklyn Young Democrats, she’s the first South Asian woman to hold the position. She also recently graduated from law school and wants to pursue a path in public service like Harris. 

“‘Indian American women in politics—we're forging a new path,’ she said. ‘And [Harris] is at the forefront of that. We're underrepresented voices in government and especially in political activism so it's that much more powerful that she is now one of the two positions of leadership in this country.’

“As Harris’ victory started to become more certain on Friday, Das felt a flood of emotions.

“‘I'm proud, emotional—all these feelings are circulating right now,’ she said. ‘Kamala talks about her mom a lot so it makes me think about my parents and their experience and how being an immigrant really shapes why we're involved in politics and activism. And that's really sentimental for me [thinking about] the family members and others that have sacrificed for you.”’